My Blogroll Dudes and Dudettes Have Been on Fire Lately

In addition to the Simcha Fisher essay talked about in the last post, highlights include:

Chaos Manor, talking about police (mis)behavior, ISIS and our ignorance of Russia’s history and motivations, insofar as those are two separate things;

Touched, not whacked with a hammer.

The Curt Jester looks at a letter from Bishop Thomas Paprocki of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois on proper liturgical practices. Read only the excerpts so far, but very good stuff, reminds me of Ratzinger’s Spirit of the Liturgy (not coincidentally, no doubt) which we are reading now in our reading group, and upon which I will comment when done.

The Crescat has an idea that I hope to get to soon: 10 paintings that most touched your life. That seems a very good thing to think about, especially in this ugly age.

John C Wright, in his usual non-confrontational and non-controversial way, takes the intellectual hammer to a few issues and delicately pounds them into a quivering pulp. Feminism, the concept of right wing political correctness, writing encouragement for the timid, and a little light channeling of GKC. 

TOF and the Statistician to the Stars are both attempting to translate Thomism into Modern – a task complicated by both Newspeak and the well-trained Pavlovian response of the well-schooled mind: if I don’t understand it, it can’t be important.

Anyway, there’s actually good stuff to read on the interwebs! Who knew?

Author: Joseph Moore

Enough with the smarty-pants Dante quote. Just some opinionated blogger dude.

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