Today’s Round-up:

Dr. Boli is a scream: 

A statue of the Blessed Virgin in St. Britney Church has been observed to begin weeping every week at the precise moment when the guitars are brought out of their cases for the contemporary Mass.

The Statistician to the Stars has a good point:

The older Consensus was only pretty sure that what was causing the planetary sickness was humanity. The new Consensus is morally certain of it. Both groups were convinced that whatever good happened to the planet was due to Nature, and that whatever bad happened was our fault. Scientific imagination has thus not advanced beyond paganism.

Read the whole thing here.

– UPDATE: Have to add a link to a cool short video on the Middle Ages via the TOF spot. Aside: finding out how misrepresented the ‘Dark Ages’ have consistently been can be a key step toward constructive skepticism. 

– what part of the following headline did I just make up?

Scientists examine the ethics of reviving extinct animal species: is there money in it? 

– Question: What is an ‘alleged scandal’? How does it differ from a real or validated or confirmed scandal?

– Question 2: Are new standards in Newspeak being set by the use of the word ‘tolerance’ in regards to the brutal suppression of speech and freedom, or am I just forgetting how bad it’s gotten elsewhere?

– June in Northern California. ‘Nuff said.

File:Mount Diablo Panoramic From Newhall.jpg

Author: Joseph Moore

Enough with the smarty-pants Dante quote. Just some opinionated blogger dude.

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